This course is for those who has good experience hand-coding HTML and understand CSS selectors and want to learn front-end development. Some knowledge of JavaScript would be a distinct advantage as this is a programming course.


JavaScript is the premier client-side scripting language used today on the web. It‘s widely used  in tasks ranging from the validation of form data to the creation of complex user interfaces. Yet the language has capabilities that many of its users have yet to discover. JavaScript can be used to manipulate the very markup in the documents in which it is contained. As more developers discover its true power, JavaScript is becoming a first class client-side Web technology, ranking alongside (X)HTML, CSS, and XML. As such, it will be a language that any Web designer would be remiss not to master. This chapter serves as a brief introduction to the language and how it is included in Web pages.

Course Outline

  1. Learn how JavaScript is used.
  2. Learn JavaScript syntax.
  3. Learn about objects, methods, and properties.
  4. Learn to work with JavaScript variables.
  5. Learn to create your own functions in JavaScript.
  6. Learn to write flow control logic in JavaScript.
  7. Learn to validate forms with JavaScript.
  8. Review JavaScript functions and the DOM.
  9. Introduce / Review XmlHttpRequest and JSON.
  10. Learn to use advanced techniques, such as anonymous function.
  11. Learn to use regular expressions for advanced form validation.


jQuery is a multi-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. jQuery’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. This enables developers to create abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, theme-able widgets. The modular approach to the jQuery library allows the creation of powerful dynamic web pages and web applications.

Course Outline

  1. jQuery basics and functions
  2. Using selectors with jQuery
  3. Manipulating page elements with jQuery
  4. jQuery event model
  5. jQuery and Ajax
  6. jQuery animation and advanced effects
  7. jQuery plugins


This class will introduce you to the suite of technologies that are used to create an Ajax web application. This is not, however, simply a catalog of Ajax libraries and tools: all topics covered are grounded in “Real World” usage. Learning in this class is designed to go above and beyond the “what” and “how” of Ajax. After completing this course, you will be well versed in the critical answers to “why” and “when”, as they relate to the technical foundations of building dynamic web applications.

The material covers Ajax foundations including HTTP, asynchronous communication, advanced JavaScript, the DOM API, events, and JSON, as well as higher level topics in debugging, security, and frameworks (jQuery).

Course Outline

  1. Create asynchronous requests through the use of the XMLHttpRequest object
  2. Learn best practices in “cross browser” coding
  3. Solve problems quickly through the use of error consoles, HTTP inspectors, and JavaScript debuggers
  4. Develop proficiency with the DOM API in building dynamic GUIs
  5. Become familiar with jQuery and its use in efficiently building Ajax applications